[블로그]에베레스트 산을 오른 최초 바리스타 네팔 카페미띠니 2호점 창업자 Barista Dawa

조회수 6085


오요리아시아에서 인큐베이팅하고 있는 네팔 카페 미띠니 2호점 창업주인 Dawa Sherpa가 에베레스트 산을 오른 최초 바리스타로 world record 인증서를 받았습니다.

작년 4월에 에베레스트에서 커피를 만들어주던 Dawa가 자신의 사업 활동을 다른 나라 사람들에게 알릴 수 있는 좋은 계기가 되기를 바랍니다.

아래 Dawa의 소감과 이야기입니다.


I am working as a Barista since 2013 and I have been providing training of Barista from 2015 In different training center.

since I started working as a Barista my aim was to make coffee at high altitude and serve to the climber Mountain climbing had been an exhilarating, rewarding and life changing experience and it involves risk, danger, and hardship.As being a barista, I had a dream project that involved serving coffee at the summit (top of the world) and it was an outrageous experience for me.
This was my first journey to the summit and it initiated from April 9 and completed at may 20. In this 40 days period.It was a majestic achievement of my life and it was over whelming warmth of success.

To the record,may 14 of 2018 was unforgettable day for me as I complete my dream project which I intend to do.During this time of climbing I did my best work regarding to intact with physical,emotional factors that influenced the project on returning from the summit, an unforgettable event occurred which condemn my confidence to low self-esteemed at that point.The factors were weather changes loss of life.It made me think of "no returning back" and led my moral down.But I didn't mislay my confidence and with the favour of luck in my hand, safely came back to the EBC with my climbing guide. To the outline,it was an outrageous,life changing, feeling for and from this path, I happened to learned that "optimism is the faith that leads to achievement nothing can be done without hope and confidence"

음식의 가치와 일하는 즐거움을 통해 아시아의 

빈곤여성과 청소년의 사회 경제적 자립을 지원합니다.

주소 : 서울특별시 마포구 성미산로31길 11-14 306호
TEL : 070-4204-5596 | FAX : 050-8090-5585





El Txoko de Terreno


Nepal cafe mitini

내식당창업 프로젝트

Copyright ⓒ OYORIASIA All rights reserved.

음식의 가치와 일하는 즐거움을 통해 

아시아의 빈곤여성과 청소년의

사회 경제적 자립을 지원합니다.

주소 : 서울특별시 용산구 새창로 116-1 2층

TEL : 070-4204-5596 | FAX : 050-8090-5585


El Txoko de Terreno



Nepal cafe mitini

내식당창업 프로젝트

Copyright ⓒ OYORIASIA All rights reserved.